• Saving Upto 60% On Fuel Cost

Auto Ignition System

Supplier & Manufacturer of Honeywell Flame Relay. Our product range also comprises of Burner Spare Part, ECO Flame Gas Burner and ECO Flame Light Oil Burner.

Auto Ignition System
Ganesh Entreprise is also offering Auto Ignition System in various applications.
Auto Ignition System
Which are use in gas burners, oil burners, pipe burner, RV burner, printing machine burner, hot air burner, boiler burner, thermic fluid heater, powder coating oven, glass oven, forging furnace, annealing furnace, heat treatment furnace, textile machine, screen printing machine, steam boilers, kiln , rotary furnace, ceramic kiln, roller furnace, etc. We are using following items in auto ignition systems.
Sequence Controller
Ignition Transformer
Ignition cable with lugs
Ignition Electrode
Ignition Cap
Solenoid valve for gas
Solenoid valve for air