• Saving Upto 60% On Fuel Cost

Industrial Burner


1. Aluminium casing up to MUlticalor 200.1 and steel casing from 300.1 with electrical panel integrated on the burner.
2. Adjustable combustion head for fine tuning / matching with different shapes of combustion chamber.
3. Gas pilot from Multicalor 170.1
4. Hi-Low version with electric servomotor and integrated system for the regulation of air gas and light oil with two nozzle from Multicalor 45 to Multicalor 300.1
4. Progressive version with electrical servomotor and double adjustable mechanical cam that allows air gas/light oil fine tuning.
5. Modulating version with PID system Controller with digital set point display and real time value.
6.Progressive or modulating nozzle with flow and return. Shut down flow system on the nozzle managed by coil from Multicalor 700.1
7. Firing head with adjustable primary air system that changes according to output required.
8. Easy maintenance with sliding bars system. Standard from Multicalor 700.1 and on request from Multicalor 300.1
9. Standard version running on manual fuel selection mode and on request automatic fuel changeover. The automatic change over system can be triggered by     gas pressure or by a timer.
10. Special version for all type of applications and fuel charachterstics on request.
11.Duoblock range 180-25000 KW.

  kW kcal/hx1000 kW kcal/hx1000
Dual1 40 34.4 23 19.78
Dual 2 65 55.9 34 29.74
Dual 3-3P 110 94.6 58 49.88
Dual 4 200 172 110 94.6
Dual 4- P 200 172 100 86
Dual 5 P 345 296.7 110 94.6
MULTICALOR 45 500 430 190 163.4
MULTICALOR 45 500 430 120 103.2
MULTICALOR 70 700 602 250 215
MULTICALOR 70 700 602 190 163.4
MULTICALOR 100 1,000 860 300 258
MULTICALOR 100 1,000 860 200 172
MULTICALOR 140 1300 1.118 400 344
MULTICALOR 140 1300 1.118 250 215
MULTICALOR 170.1 1770 1,526 342 295
MULTICALOR 200.1 2150 1,853.45 414 356.9