The Riello Gulliver RGD series of two stage light oil burners, is a complete range of products developed to respond to any request for home heating. The Gulliver RGD series is available in
five different models, with an output ranging from 14 to 296 kW, divided in four different structures.
All the models use the same components designed by Riello for the Gulliver series. The high quality level guarantees safe working. In developing these burners, special attention was paid to reducing noise, to the ease of installation and adjustment, to obtaining the smallest size possible to fi t into any sort of boiler available on the market.
The two stage operation guarantees high level of thermal unit effi ciency. All the models are approved by the EN 267 European Standard and conform to European Directives for EMC, Low Voltage, Machinery and Boiler Efficiency. All the Gulliver RGD burners are fi red before leaving the factory.
RG1RKD 14/17 ÷ 60 kW
RG2D 42/49 ÷ 118 kW
RG3D 65/83 ÷ 178 kW
RG4D 106/130 ÷ 237 kW
RG5D 95/142 ÷ 296 kW
The Riello Gulliver RG5DF is a new model of one stage light oil burner, developed to respond to any request for light industrial processes like bakery ovens, spray painting ovens, small steam or thermal boilers and all applications which require a reliable, user-friendly industrial product with enhanced performance and specific functions.
This model uses the same components designed by Riello for the Gulliver series and has the same ventilation system and overall dimensions as the previous two stage light oil model. This new burner can operates on 50 or 60 Hz and a Voltage 220 - 230 Volt (dual frequency). It is conform to the EN 267 Standard (Forced draught oil burners) and to European Directives for EMC, Low Voltage and Machinery. For depressurised working fi eld see EN 746-2 Standard. The Gulliver RG5DF burner is fi red before leaving the factory.
RG5DF 95/142 ÷ 296 kW
G3 23,8 ÷ 35,5 kW G3R 23,8 ÷ 35,5 kW G3RK 15,0 ÷ 35,0 kW G5 28,0 ÷ 60,0 kW G5R 28,0 ÷ 60,0 kW |
G5RK 12,0 ÷ 60,0 kW |
The Riello 40 GI series of two stage light oil burners, is a complete range of products developed to respond to any request for residential heating. The Riello 40 GI series is available in three different models, with an output ranging from 54 to 240 kW, divided in two different structures.
All the models use the same components designed by Riello for the Riello 40 GI series. The high quality level guarantees safe working. In developing these burners, special attention was paid to reducing noise, to the ease of installation and adjustment, to obtaining the smallest size possible to fi t into any sort of boiler available on the market.
All the models are approved by the EN 267 European Standard and conform to European Directives for EMC, Low Voltage, Machinery and Boiler Effi ciency. All the Riello 40 GI burners are fired before leaving the factory.
G10I 44/54 ÷ 120 kW
G20I 71/95 ÷ 240 kW
G20D 71/95 ÷ 240 kW
The Riello 40 H series of one stage light oil burners, has been designed to be used friendly and to respond to any request for hotel kitchen applications. The Riello 40 H series is available in a
single model with an output ranging from 21 to 65 kW.
The high quality level guarantees safe working. In developing this burner, special attention was paid to the ease of installation and adjustment, to obtaining the smallest size possible to fi t into any sort of application. This burner can work in two stages, choosing the output required according with the heat input that the application needs. This results in very economical operation of the system and a decrease of the cyclic phases of ignition/shut down, less thermal stress of the plant and a signifi cant decrease in emissions.
The model is approved by the EN 267 European Standard and conform to European Directives for EMC, Low Voltage, Machinery and Boiler Effi ciency. All the Riello 40 H burners are fi red before leaving the factory.
H5 21 ÷ 65 kW
The Riello RDB series of one stage light oil and kerosene burners is available in eleven basic models, with an output ranging from 16,8 to 120 kW, in three different structures. The models are available in light oil and kerosene versions, conventional flue and balanced fl ue, with or without the fuel pre-heater fitted.
A new model has been specifi cally designed to meet the increasing trends towards high pressure working fi eld demand. These models are distinguished by their compact size. All the models use the same components designed by Riello for the RDB series. The high quality level guarantees safe working. The RDB burners are equipped with a geared pump suitable for Kerosene, Low Sulphur Kerosene and ultra low sulphur diesel oil (ULSD).
In developing these burners, special attention was paid to reducing noise, to the ease of installation and adjustment, to obtaining the smallest size possible to fit into any sort of boiler
available on the market. All the models are approved by the EN 267 European Standard and conform to European Directives for EMC, Low Voltage, Machinery and Boiler Effi ciency. All the RDB burners are fired before leaving the factory.
The PRESS G series of burners covers a fi ring range from 140 to 356 kW and they have been designed for use in civil installations of small dimensions or in industrial applications, like incinerators or dyer kilns.
Operation is “one stage”; the burners are fi tted with a microprocessor-based burner safety control box which supplies indication of operation and diagnosis of fault cause. The combustion head, that can be set on the basis of required output, allows optimal performance ensuring good combustionand reducing fuel consumption. The main feature of these burners is their reliability due to a simple and strong construction, which permits operation without
particular maintenance intervention.
Simplifi ed maintenance is achieved by the slide bar system, which allows easy access to all of the essential components of the combustion head. All electrical components are easily accessible only by dismounting a protection panel, thus guaranteeing a quick and simple intervention on components.
PRESS G24 140 ÷ 280 kW
PRESS GV 178 ÷ 356 kW
The PRESS G series of burners covers a fi ring range from 140 to 356 kW and they have been designed for use in civil installations of small dimensions or in industrial applications, like incinerators or dyer kilns.
Operation is “one stage”; the burners are fi tted with a microprocessor-based burner safety control box which supplies indication of operation and diagnosis of fault cause. The combustion head, that can be set on the basis of required output, allows optimal performance ensuring good combustionand reducing fuel consumption. The main feature of these burners is their reliability due to a simple and strong construction, which permits operation without
particular maintenance intervention.
Simplifi ed maintenance is achieved by the slide bar system, which allows easy access to all of the essential components of the combustion head. All electrical components are easily accessible only by dismounting a protection panel, thus guaranteeing a quick and simple intervention on components.
PRESS G24 140 ÷ 280 kW
PRESS GV 178 ÷ 356 kW
The PRESS G series of burners covers a fi ring range from 140 to 356 kW and they have been designed for use in civil installations of small dimensions or in industrial applications, like incinerators or dyer kilns.
Operation is “one stage”; the burners are fi tted with a microprocessor-based burner safety control box which supplies indication of operation and diagnosis of fault cause. The combustion head, that can be set on the basis of required output, allows optimal performance ensuring good combustionand reducing fuel consumption. The main feature of these burners is their reliability due to a simple and strong construction, which permits operation without
particular maintenance intervention.
Simplifi ed maintenance is achieved by the slide bar system, which allows easy access to all of the essential components of the combustion head. All electrical components are easily accessible only by dismounting a protection panel, thus guaranteeing a quick and simple intervention on components.
PRESS G24 140 ÷ 280 kW
PRESS GV 178 ÷ 356 kW
The PRESS T/G series of burners covers a fi ring range from 830 to 5340 kW.
Available in 4 different models, this burners are particularly well suited for matching with pressurized chamber boilers. For their characteristics, they fi nd application in big civil plants for domestic heating or in industrial applications where thermal load is repetitive and predictable.
An hydraulic ram exclusive system, with 3 adjustable positions, regulates dampers opening, allowing air passage in relation to output required: in this way fl ame stability is optimized in every working point, with micro-regulation available. The burners are fi tted with a microprocessor-based burner safety control box which supplies indication of operation and diagnosis of fault cause.
P 140 T/G 380/830 ÷ 1660 kW
P 200 T/G 557/1186 ÷ 2372 kW
P 300 T/G 712/1779 ÷ 3560 kW
P 450 T/G 890/2670 ÷ 5340 kW
The RL/1 burners series covers a firing range from 107 to 398 kW, and it has been designed for use in low or medium temperature hot water boilers, hot air or steam boilers, diathermic oil boilers. Optimisation of sound emissions is guaranteed by the special design of the air suction circuit and by incorporated sound proofing material. Special care has been paid to keeping overall dimensions compact and to easy servicing.
The elevated fans and combustion head performance guarantees flexibility of use and excellent operation at all firing rates. A wide range of accessories guarantees elevated working flexibility.
RL 34/1 MZ 107 ÷ 398 kW
The RL series of burners covers a firing range from 154 to 2700 kW, and it has been designed for use in low or medium temperature hot water boilers, hot air or steam boilers, diathermic oil boilers.
Operation is “two stage”; the burners are fitted with a microprocessor-based control panel, which supplies indication of burner status and fault causes. Optimisation of sound emissions is guaranteed by the special design of the air suction circuit and by incorporated sound proofing material. The elevated performance of the fans and combustion head, guarantee flexibility of use and excellent working at all firing rates.
The exclusive design ensures reduced dimensions, simple use and maintenance. A wide range of accessories guarantees elevated working flexibility.
RL 34 MZ 97/154 ÷ 395 kW RL 44 MZ 155/235 ÷ 485 kW RL 50 148/296 ÷ 593 kW RL 64 MZ 206/391 ÷ 830 kW RL 70 255/474 ÷ 830 kW |
RL 100 356/711 ÷ 1186 kW RL 130 486/948 ÷ 1540 kW RL 190 759/1423 ÷ 2443 kW RL 250 MZ 600/1250 ÷ 2700 kW |
The RL/M series of burners covers a firing range from 166 to 2431 kW, and they have been designed for use in hot or superheater water boilers, hot air or steam generators, diathermic oil boilers.
Operation can be “two stage progressive” or, alternatively, “modulating” with the installation of a PID logic regulator and respective probes. RL/M series burners guarantees high efficiency levels in all the various applications, thus reducing fuel consumption and running costs. Optimisation of sound emissions is guaranteed by the use of fans with forward inclined blades and sound deadening material incorporated in the air suction circuit.
The exclusive design ensures reduced dimensions, simple use and maintenance. A wide range of accessories guarantees elevated working flexibility.
RL 28/M 95/166 ÷ 332 kW RL 38/M 101/237 ÷ 450 kW RL 50/M 130/296 ÷ 593 kW RL 70/M 261/474 ÷ 1043 kW |
RL 100/M 332/711 ÷ 1482 kW RL 130/M 498/948 ÷ 1779 kW RL 190/M 534/1423 ÷ 2431 kW |
RL/B MZ series burners are characterised by a modular monoblock structure that means all necessary components can be combined in a single unit thus making installation easier, faster and, above all, more fl exible.
The series covers a fi ring range from 1250 to 4450 kW, and they have been designed for use in hot water boilers, overheated water boilers as well as steamboilers. Operation is 2 stages.
The innovative combustion head is able to reach good performances in term of Low NOx and helps in reducing noise emissions.
RL 300/B MZ 600/1250 ÷ 3550 kW
RL 400/B MZ 1000/2000 ÷ 4450 kW
RL/B MZ series burners are characterised by a modular monoblock structure that means all necessary components can be combined in a single unit thus making installation easier, faster and, above all, more fl exible.
The series covers a fi ring range from 1250 to 4450 kW, and they have been designed for use in hot water boilers, overheated water boilers as well as steamboilers. Operation is 2 stages.
The innovative combustion head is able to reach good performances in term of Low NOx and helps in reducing noise emissions.
RL 300/B MZ 600/1250 ÷ 3550 kW
RL 400/B MZ 1000/2000 ÷ 4450 kW
The MODUBLOC MB LE series of burners are characterised by a monoblock structure that means all necessary components can be combined in a single unit, making installation easier and faster.
The series covers a fi ring range from 1070 to 10000 kW, and they have been designed for use in hot water boilers or industrial steam generators.
Operation is modulating, through an innovative electronic module, which gives control of the air/fuel ratio and PID control of the generator temperature or pressure. The mechanisms of regulation allow to catch up a high modulation ratio on all fi ring rates range. The burner can, therefore, supply with precision the demanded power, guaranteeing a high effi ciency system level and the stability setting, obtaining fuel consumption and operating costs
An exclusive design, with fan unit fi tted on line with the combustion head, guarantees low sound emissions, reduced dimensions, easy use and maintenance.
MB 4 LE 1070/2375 ÷ 4092 kW
MB 6 LE 1186/3558 ÷ 6000 kW
MB 8 LE 1450/3290 ÷ 9000 kW
MB 10 LE 1200/4000 ÷ 10000 kW
Leading Supplier and Manufacturer from Thane, our product range includes Riello Oil Burner
such as 40-Series, BF40-Series, ModuBloc, R35-Series and R-Series.
R35-Series Reillo Oil Burner | ||
We are an eminent industry, engaged in offering R35-Series Reillo Oil Burner. Offered products are precision engineered according to the specific needs and requirements of our customers. In addition to this, special production techniques are adopted for their fabrication and these products are further available with us in various sizes, series and detailed specifications. |
Leading Supplier and Manufacturer from Thane, our product range includes Riello Oil Burner
such as 40-Series, BF40-Series, ModuBloc, R35-Series and R-Series.
R35-Series Reillo Oil Burner | ||
We are a pioneer organization engaged in manufacturing and trading a versatile range of BF40-Series Reillo Oil Burner to our patrons. Offered range is designed and developed under the guidance of our skilled team mates who apply these products in various industries and sectors. In addition to this, this range is quality tested as per the industry laid parameters to ensure their conformity with the patrons requirements. | ||
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